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World's wealthiest 'at heart of climate problem

I've read an aricle in BBC called "World's wealthiest 'at heart of climate problem" by Roger Harrabin. It was about problem of carbon emission in the world, but mainly among wealthy people. The raport
from the UK-based Cambridge Sustainability Commission on Scaling Behaviour Change says that1% of wealhy people produce two times more carbon than 50% poor people. 

It's the global problem. One of solutions by the author is to deter frequent flying and the use of SUVs and to persuade the wealthy to insulate their homes well. He also said, that implementing new "clean" technologies, will be more successful, than implementing hefty penalties or lifestyle restrictions.

Wealthy people have completly different lifestyle, than poorer people. in my opinion it will be hard to change their everyday life, because they are accustomed to a good conditions in everything they have and they do. The problem can be solve only if they want to cooperate with others. In other case nothing can help.


  1. On top of that, rich people are often arrogant and act with impunity. They feel no one can tell them what to do. So the problem is real.


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