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Lockdown in the UK

     I have read an ariticle in Independet by Olivia Petter called "How do lockdowns work and has England used them correctly?". It shows us how unfavorably the lockdown influenced to UK residents. People feel more alone and the economic situation is is the worst compared to the last few decades. The same is in the in most countries of the world. Uk is also accused of implementing the lockdown too late. Supposedly it could survive a lot of lives even if lockdown had started a week earlier. I think that no one was prepared for the covid -19 pandemic and the UK's government has done everything it can to prevent a pandemic. No one should say, what could we do. We should live for the moment. 



Link to the article:                                                                                          






  1. This is definitely an interesting piece of news.
    In the future though:
    1. separate the report part (1/3 of the text at most) from your comment (where you explain why this info is interesting/surprising/etc. and/or express your own opinion) - and watch the proportions of the two parts
    2. Make sure what you write is clear, e.g. "Uk is also accused of implementing the lockdown too early. Supposedly it could survive a lot of lives even if lockdown had started a week earlier." - the two sentences contradict each other (too early or too late?) and you probably meant SAVE, not "survive".


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