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Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2021

UberEats driver receives thousands in donations after sharing ‘heartbreaking’ TikTok about the importance of tipping

 I've read an article in Independent by Chelsea Ritschel called "UberEats driver receives thousands in donations after sharing ‘heartbreaking’ TikTok about the importance of tipping". The title speaks for itself. It was about a man, who is a UberEats driver. He published a video on TikTok, where he told what it’s like to be a delivery driver. Before this video he was currently on the brink of homelessness because he has to “prove three times the rent for income in two weeks”. However, after this video he get a lot of donations and he was able to live at home. One video changed his life 360 degrees. In my opinion he is right about that customers shuld give tips to their drivers. For them it's only a few dollars, but for the driver it's something, that can change his life situation. It's amazing. I know that a lot of people don't have enough money to give a very big tip, but when they are ordering food often means that the have this money, but they're

Will the Tokyo Olympics go ahead in 2021?

  I have read an ariticle in Independet by Alex Pattle called "Will the Tokyo Olympics go ahead in 2021?". It left about 200 days until the the scheduled start date of the 2020 Olympics, but the decision  whether or not to take place hasn't been made yet. They are to be held in Tokyo, but few days ago the Japanese Prime Minister implemented state of emergency there, owing to an alarming spread of Covid-19 cases. The delay will cost almost 3 billion dollars. In my opinion The Tokyo Olympics should take place but without the audience. And so in most countries training and matches are held. The Olympic wouldn't be much different from currently playing matches. I know that the cost of lack of audience will be big but not as big as it would be when the whole entertainment will be delay. Link to the article:

Lockdown in the UK

       I have read an ariticle in Independet by Olivia Petter called "How do lockdowns work and has England used them correctly?". It shows us how unfavorably the lockdown influenced to UK residents. People feel more alone and the economic situation is is the worst compared to the last few decades. The same is in the in most countries of the world. Uk is also accused of implementing the lockdown too late. Supposedly it could survive a lot of lives even if lockdown had started a week earlier. I think that no one was prepared for the covid -19 pandemic and the UK's government has done everything it can to prevent a pandemic. No one should say, what could we do. We should live for the moment.      Link to the article: