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Wyświetlanie postów z kwiecień, 2020

Fake news

   In my opinion fake news is a serious problem in our contemporary world. Young people very often use internet to find information about something or somebody. If a lie is written they will believe it. It does not take much time for fake news on a currently popular topic in the country to spread quickly around its inhabitants.    Fake news can also affect politics in the country.  It is not difficult to falsify evidence.  Later this can have a big impact on other people's decisions.  That is why it is always worth checking the reliability of the sources, because not everything we read or see may turn out to be true.

Is social distancing that we all have to practise now difficult or easy for you? Why?

Social distancing that we all have to practice is the only way to come off a success and prevent the virus. Thats why we all should stick to the rules and stay at home. A lot of people neglects this and leave their houses. It's a very irresponsible behavior.  Quarantine is quite easy for me, because stay in home and have e-lessons is more comfortable than in school. Firt reason is that I can sleep long than usual. The second reason is that work on a computer for me is better than work with paper books. This does not mean, that i very miss my friends and trainigs.

Is lying morally wrong

In my opinion lying is morally wrong. People lying because they want to make a good impression or are afraid of rejection. People who lying a lot will never achieve the desierd goal. The true will always come out.  Lying can lead to the breakup of many frendships.  True Is  the most important thing in my life. When someone lie to me it’s hard to forgive him.  There are exeptions when lying is even advisable but this happen very rarely. In conclusion lying in most cases is wrong and it can only harm people.