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  I’ve read an article from Independent called: “THIS £925 BAG FROM BALENCIAGA’S SPRING 2022 COLLECTION LOOKS JUST LIKE VINTAGE TESCO CARRIER BAG” by Kate Ng. It was about new Balenciaga’s bag that, which sell has started recently. It is from new Spring 2022 Clones Collection. It looks like a vintage Tesco career bag from 80s.   I think the new fashion is getting more and more weird. The new ideas, which are made up and being realized are more controversial. It’s a lottery: or someone will love it or hate it. It isn’t anything between this. The biggest world stars like Rihanna and Kim Kardashian love it and they support this luxury fashion house. For me most of Balenciaga’s new products look bad and it’s completely not my style and I don’t appreciate them.

Brittney Griner: WNBA club Phoenix Mercury concerned for player detained in Russia

I’ve read an article in BBC called “Brittney Griner: WNBA club Phoenix Mercury concerned for player detained in Russia ”. It  was about the basketball player who was caught with “vape cartridges that contained hashish oil” in her luggage at the airport in Moscow. She faces 10 years in prison. Her club is caring about her and they convince that everything is under control.  In my opinion her decision about taking that kind of things to her luggage was a big irresponsible decision. Even if she needed some drugs, she should bought them somewhere in America. Every one can be addicted but she is a women, who is known. Because of that her reputation can be worse.  And the worst effect can be 10 years in prison. Because of her one bad decision she can lose her career and some piece of her life.

Smokers to be given free e-cigarettes at A&E

 I've read an article in Independent by Rory Sullivan called "Smokers to be given free e-cigarettes at A&E" . It's about new program, that will be implemented by five UK hospitals. It's purpose is to encourage people to quit smoking.  Smokers, who will attend to the hospital will get a set for free (the reason, why they attend in hospial, doesn't matter). The idea about this method apperad after research, which showed that vaping is the best method to quit smoking. E-ciggarets are healhier than conventional cigarettes. They don't contain tobacco and do not produce carbon monoxide. In my opinion it is a good idea, because smoking it's one of the most widespread habit in the whole world. This idea can help people, but also can help environment. 

World's wealthiest 'at heart of climate problem

I've read an aricle in BBC called " World's wealthiest 'at heart of climate problem" by Roger Harrabin. It was about problem of carbon emission in the world, but mainly among wealthy people. The raport from the UK-based Cambridge Sustainability Commission on Scaling Behaviour Change says that1% of wealhy people produce two times more carbon than 50% poor people.  It's the global problem. One of solutions by the author is to deter frequent flying and the use of SUVs and to persuade the wealthy to insulate their homes well. He also said, that implementing new "clean" technologies, will be more successful, than implement ing hefty penalties or lifestyle restrictions. Wealthy people have completly different lifestyle, than poorer people. in my opinion it will be hard to change their everyday life, because they are accustomed to a good conditions in everything they have and they do. The problem can be solve only if they want to cooperate with others. In o...

What are the new rules on weddings in England ?

 I've read an article in Independent by Olivia Petter called "What are the new rules on weddings in England from today?" . It's about new rules about weddings implementend by English gouvernment on 29 March. During the lockdown restrictions thee weddimgs in England was limited to exceptional circumstances. It included cases like “an urgent marriage where one of those getting married is seriously ill and not expected to recover, or is to undergo debilitating treatment or life-changing surgery.”  Now every wedding or civil partnership ceremonies can take place without exeptional circumstances. It means that anyone can get married in line with social contact limits. However, receptions are still not permitted. In the next month, when the situation will be better, gouvernment will implement new rules, which will inculde parties in a safe outdoor places.  In my opinion it was a smart decision from English gouvernment. Situation with covid cases is getting better, so why ...