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Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2020

Food on plane

  Airplane food has a bad reputation, but the food itself isn’t entirely to blame—the real fault lies with the plane. A 2015 Cornell University study, found that the environment inside an airplane actually alters the way food and drink tastes—sweet items tasted less sweet, while salty flavors were heightened. The dry recycled air inside the plane cabin doesn’t help either as low humidity can further dull taste and smell making everything in a plane seem bland. According to a 2010 study from the Insitute in Germany, it’s about 30 percent more difficult to detect sweet and salty tastes when you’re up in the air. An interesting fact is that airplane pilots never eat what the passengers do.    Even if there are two of them, they are served different dishes.    this is important because in the event of food poisoning among the passengers or one of the pilots, there will always be someone left to handle the plane.

The most dangerous airplanes in the world

  The most unsafe planes are two most popular planes. Those are: Boeing 737 and Airbus A320.   First has a crash 82 times. Despite this, there are still 517 aircraft in use. Why? It’s one of the best planes in terms of price, seats for passengers and the length of flights. It is found very often, for example, in our national LOT airlines, and in the most popular low-cost airline Ryanair.  Second one has a crash count of 119. Despite this, all the time is in service. As of today, more than 10,000 units have been produced. As the previous one, it is one of the best aircraft in terms of price, number of seats and flight length. Now is in use for exapmle in Air France and British Airways.

The biggest plane in the world

   In my earlier post I wrote about the biggest airport. This place is the main whereabouts of this plane, because the Emirates airline, which is based in Dubai, has 115 of these planes in its fleet. It calls Airbus A380. It has a two full-length decks and it can accommodate up to 868 passengers. (538 on the main deck and 330 on the upper). Often in use is only about 500 seats because it comes in a lot of configurations, but it depends on airline. For exaple in Air France in use is 538 seats(9 in First class, 80 in Business class and 449 in Economy class) because the passengers in higher classes expect more place, cause they pay more for tickets. Airbus A380 is powered by four engines. It features an 8,200 nautical-mile range (15,200 km), enabling it to service some of the longest routes in commercial aviation.   In Poland we don’t have ocassion to see this Airbus, because in a fly to poland and from poland there is not enough people to to cover such a large plane in its entirety. It’s

How many people must work at the airport for air traffic to run smoothly?

 Around 1.7 million people work at airports worldwide.  The income generated in this way amounts to less than EUR 70 billion a year.  The largest number of jobs directly at airports is in Germany (220.5 thousand), Great Britain (199.2 thousand), France (168.8 thousand) and Turkey (168.6 thousand).  23.1 thousand people work at Polish airports.  people.  But how many people do you need to operate the largest airport that I described two posts earlier?  It employs about 90,000 people.  This is more than all Polish airports and there are as many as 62 of them. This shows the size and capacity of these airports.,12,mln,miejsc,pracy,na,lotniskach,w,europie.html