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Wyświetlanie postów z maj, 2020

Fake news

A few days ago results for the presence of doping agents Cristian Ronaldo came to light. There were more and more gossips about Cristiano taking doping.  To date, a reliable footballer may be forced to give up the next matches. The president of juventus is considering terminating the contract with Ronaldo. We'll find out more in the coming days...

Are polish people polite and kind?

    In my opinion polish people are half polite and kind.  It is impossible to define the country as a whole because everyone behaves differently.  Mostly rude people are older people.  They can accuse someone of bad behavior while that person does nothing wrong. However, young people are mostly helpful, e.g. For tourists;  and above all they don't cling to senseless things.     Compared to other countries, Poland is more or less in the middle.  Certainly you can not compare our country to the population of Spain and Portugal.  Residents of these countries are very talkative, love to talk and are very helpful.  However, the drier people live in Scandinavia. These countries are at the forefront in the Ranking for the most unfriendly residents